悉尼好事围 Kempt Field(肯普特公园)出现石棉问题,独立议员王斌积极关心解决方案。本文译自Leader,仅代表原出处和原作者观点,仅供参考阅读,不代表本网态度和立场。

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A year after Georges River Council closed a large section of Kempt Field, Allawah due to subsidence, asbestos and ground gas emissions arising from its time as a garbage tip, a large section of the site remains closed to due safety concerns to the community.
乔治河市议会一年前关闭了 Allawah 的 Kempt Field 的大部分区域,原因是由于该球场曾经是垃圾填埋场,导致了地基下沉、石棉和地下气体排放等问题。由于对社区安全的担忧,该场地的大部分区域仍然关闭着。
Fencing along the affected perimeter and signage is in place to protect anyone visiting that part of the park.
On the first anniversary of the closure of the site, Cr Ben Wang called for an update the current status of the NSW Government-owned Kempt Field site, specifically in relation to the removal of the eco-unfriendly bitumen area between the park and the Landmark tower Beyond in Durham Street, Hurstville on the northern end of the site.
在该场地关闭一周年之际,王斌议员 (Councillor Ben Wang)要求新南威尔士州政府拥有的 Kempt Field 的当前状况更新,特别是关于清理位于好事围Durham Street上公园和Landmark塔之间不环保的沥青区域。
Cr Wang also asked council about the beautification of the park with trees and vegetation conducive to local ecology and installation of a much narrower more eco-friendly pedestrian pathway linking the tower with the park.

He was told that council officers continue to meet with and provide support to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), who are the landowners of the Kempt Field site.
他被告知市政府工作人员将继续与新南威尔士州规划与环境部(DPE)会面并提供支持,DPE是 Kempt Field 的土地所有者。
In July 2023, DPE engaged a consultant to develop a business case to support the budget and funding submission to NSW Treasury for the remediation of Kempt Field.
2023年7月,新南威尔士州规划与环境部(DPE)聘请了一位顾问,制定了一份业务方案,以支持向新南威尔士州财政部提交的用于修复 Kempt Field 的预算和资金申请。
DPE are also currently in the process of developing a Remediation Action Plan to address ground gas emissions, contaminated land and subsidence issues that have been identified across the site.
The Remediation Action Plan will determine the long-term management of the site its usability by the community.
Georges River Council has also been developing an Asbestos Management Plan for the Kempt Field site, which was due to be finalised in December 2023.
乔治河市议会还一直在制定 Kempt Field 的石棉管理计划,计划于2023年12月完成。
The council will continue to work closely with DPE and provide advice into any future embellishments including tree planting and vegetation and more sustainable path network infrastructure as part of the process of developing the Remediation Action Plan.
Green space demise 绿地消失
A visit to Kempt Field by councillors Wang and Peter Mahoney helped shine a spotlight on the demise of this important piece of green space.
王议员和 Peter Mahoney议员 对 Kempt Field 的访问引起了对这片重要绿地消失的关注。
Local active Bushcare volunteer and Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society (OFF) member Susan Ghosn, who has been lobbying Council to plant more natives to beautify Hurstville, invited the councillors and OFF committee members Matt Allison and Adrian Polhill to an on-site meeting.
当地积极参与的Bushcare志愿者和Oatley植物与动物保护协会(OFF)成员Susan Ghosn一直在游说市议会多种植本地植物,美化好事围。她邀请了议员们以及OFF委员会成员Matt Allison和Adrian Polhill参加了一次现场会议。
“Trees which had been recently planted were in dire straits, and in one area, beside the high-rise, a whole section of continuous tree canopy had been erased and replaced with a large pad of bitumen,” Cr Wang said
Heat sink(变成)热源问题
“This once shady area is now a heat sink and an ugly addition to the park,” he said.
Cr Wang said hopefully the council and OFF members can nurture the neglected space back to a beautiful forest which gave Forest Road its name.
王议员表示,希望市议会和OFF成员能够培育这片被忽视的空间,使其重新变成一个美丽的森林,为森林路Forest Road正名。
“Hopefully, Turpentine and Ironbark trees and other species associated with the rare and ecologically endangered vegetation community of which only 0.5 per cent remains in the Sydney Basin, along with other lush native vegetation will once again grace this part of Hurstville,” he said.

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如果重新开放公园,可以建立一些平坦的位置给些运动活动用的地方呢,那个公园不论早上,中午 黄分有不同人士在运动的。谢谢