2024年10月14日,乔治河市议会开创历史,选举产生了市长Elise Borg(艾莉丝·博格)和副市长Nancy Liu(刘娜心),成为乔治河市议会和之前的好事围和高嘉华市议会第一个拥有一支全女性领导团队的市议会。 这一里程碑突显了在市议会领导层中增加妇女代表人数的宝贵转变。
本文引自Georges River Council,仅代表原出处和原作者观点, 仅供参考阅读,不代表本网态度和立场。
市长博格是一位独立议员,副市长刘娜心在地方政府拥有 20 多年的经验,致力于建立社区的信心和联系。她们的领导反映了她们所代表的多元化和充满活力的社区。
刘副市长呼应了这些观点:“我们的旅程突显了毅力和激情的重要性。这对我们社区中的所有人来说都是一个经验 – 如果你愿意付出努力,任何目标都可以实现。”
感谢:悉尼最大的华人区,副市长 刘娜心 (Nancy Liu) 分享精彩。

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Breaking Barriers: Georges River Council’s Historic Female Leadership Duo

Georges River Council has made history by becoming the first Council in Georges River and the former Hurstville and Kogarah Councils to have an all-female leadership team, with the election of Mayor Elise Borg and Deputy Mayor Nancy Liu. This milestone highlights a valuable shift toward increased representation of women in Council leadership.

感谢:悉尼最大的华人区,市长 Elise Borg(艾莉丝·博格)分享精彩。
Mayor Borg, an independent Councillor, and Deputy Mayor Liu, who brings over 20 years of experience in local government, are committed to building community confidence and connection. Their leadership reflects the diverse and vibrant community they represent.
Georges River Council Mayor Borg said: “As both Deputy Mayor Liu and I have daughters, we are naturally deeply engaged with our community alongside our families. We take pride in being role models for our daughters and helping to pave the way for future generations.
“This leadership is a message to our children and young people that through hard work, you can achieve your goals and take on significant roles within the community.”
Deputy Mayor Liu echoed these sentiments: “Our journey highlights the importance of perseverance and passion. This is a lesson for all people in our community – that any goal is within reach if you’re willing to put in the effort.”
The new leadership team embodies the values of the Georges River community and strives to continue fostering connections and confidence within the region. Both Mayor Borg and Deputy Mayor Liu are dedicated to fostering strong relationships within the community, enhancing engagement, and ensuring that every voice is heard.
本文来自社区投稿,仅代表作者 乔治河市副市长 Nancy Liu(刘娜心) 的观点,仅供参考阅读,不代表本网态度和立场。如果您也有精彩的内容,想要分享给社区,欢迎点击这里投稿,无论是新闻报道、个人经历、社区活动、生活、旅游,人物,观点、还是其它类型的文章都可以!