2024年7月19日,狮子会,201N5区,第72届会长及监事就职和换届晚宴,在悉尼CBD的Castlereagh Boutique Hotel卡斯特勒街精品酒店优雅的Cellos Grand大餐厅举行。
感谢:狮子会 会长 陈家辉 Alan Chan,分享精彩。
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2024年7月19日,悉尼狮子会迎来了108位尊贵嘉宾,包括地区总监Genevieve Jeny及其丈夫、前国际狮子会基金会托管人Nigel Jeny OAM,前全澳獅子會总会長Vin Pang JP,尊敬的Helen Sham-Ho OAM JP博士,201N5区内阁成员,12位狮子会会长,来自20个狮子会的会员及其朋友,共同庆祝他们的第72屆會長及監理事就職和换届晚宴。活动在位于悉尼CBD的Castlereagh Boutique Hotel 卡斯特勒街精品酒店优雅的Cellos Grand大餐厅举行。
当晚,所有贵宾和嘉宾都尽情享受了晚宴,包括影子多元文化事务部长、影子就业、工业、创新、科学与技术部长以及影子悉尼西南部长Mark Coure MP先生。晚宴特别表演由Major Jason Li的钢琴演奏和来自悉尼古筝艺术学院的五位杰出音乐家:Michelle Ng, Yolanda Ly, Anders Leung, Eve Lam和Wynn Hu组成。
还举行了一场筹款拍卖会,收益将捐给国际狮子会基金会和澳大利亚狮子会儿童癌症研究基金会。拍卖品包括著名画家许憲来先生捐赠的一幅美丽的中国黃山山水画”路入芙蓉步步高”,Mintz Club创始人、澳大利亚联邦议会形象大使Lydia Li女士捐赠的一套惊艳的新疆玉器收藏,以及现代艺术家Nelson Nghe先生捐赠的一幅名为“闪耀光辉”的艺术品,这幅油画由悉尼狮子会秘书Kim Ng的表弟创作,被Phil Baildon和狮友Lion Polly Chan以1000澳元买下。
在活动期间,District 201N5 地区总监Genevieve Jeny为新一届执行委员会成员举行了就职仪式,包括连任悉尼狮子会会長的 陳家輝太平紳士 Alan Chan JP。前全澳獅子會总会長Vin Pang JP 向悉尼狮子会Sydney Host Lions Club 頒發2022-2023年度最卓越獅子分會奖 Club Excellence Award 。此外,悉尼狮子会会長Alan Chan JP 及 PDG Brian Daniels JP还因其卓越的领导能力和对澳大利亚社区的贡献,获得了国际狮子会MD201总会主席勋章。
此外,前全澳獅子會总会長Vin Pang JP將最杰出獅子会员奖颁发给服务总监Lion Claudia Ng狮友。所有悉尼狮子会会员都因在 Alexandria Bunnings烧烤筹款活动中的杰出服务,获得了澳大利亚狮子会儿童癌症研究基金会颁发的奖座。
特别嘉宾,多元文化事务部长、影子就业、工业、创新、科学与技术部长以及影子悉尼西南部长Mark Coure MP还向悉尼狮子会颁发了一张祝贺证书,以表彰他们在过去71年中对澳大利亚社区的杰出服务和贡献,突显了新南威尔士州政府的高度认可。
晚宴在享用美味的餐点和切美丽的第72个宪章纪念蛋糕Charter Anniversary Cake中圆满结束。嘉宾们享受了充满美食、精彩娱乐和友谊的夜晚,并热切期待悉尼狮子会在新的一年里继续取得辉煌成就。
特别感谢悉尼狮子会组织委员会的狮友Lion Kim Ng和狮友Lion Claudia Ng 及狮友Lion Davy Lee的事業攝影;如果没有她们的奉献和精心策划,换届晚宴活动不会如此成功。
On July 19, 2024, the Sydney Host Lions Club welcomed 108 distinguished guests, including District Governor Genevieve Jeny and her husband Past Lions Clubs International Foundation Trustee Nigel Jeny OAM, the Immediate Past Council Chairperson Vin Pang JP , the Honourable Dr Helen Sham-Ho OAM JP, the District Cabinet of 201N5, 12 fellow Lions Presidents, members from 20 Lions Clubs, and their friends, to celebrate their 72nd Charter Anniversary and Changeover Dinner. The event was held at the elegant Cellos Grand Dining Room in the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, located in Sydney CBD.
The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all VIPs and guests, including Mr. Mark Coure MP, the Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, Shadow Minister for Jobs, Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, and Shadow Minister for South-West Sydney. The night featured special performances by Major Jason Li on piano and five outstanding musicians from the Sydney Guyun Yaxuan Guzheng Arts Academy: Michelle Ng, Yolanda Ly, Anders Leung, Eve Lam, and Wynn Hu.
A fundraising auction was also held to benefit the Lions Club International Foundation and the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation. Items auctioned included a beautiful Chinese painting donated by the renowned artist Mr. Xu Xian-lai, a stunning Xinjiang Jade Collection donated by Mintz Club founder Ms. Lydia Li, who is also the Image Ambassador of the Federal Parliament of Australia, and an artwork titled “Shine Bright” donated by contemporary artist Mr. Nelson Nghe, cousin of the Club’s Secretary Kim Ng, the acrylic on canvas painting was bought by Phil Baildon and Lion Polly Chan for $1,000.
During the event, District Governor Genevieve Jeny installed the new Executive, including the re-elected Club President Alan Chan JP. Immediate Past Council Chairperson Vin Pang JP presented the Club Excellence Award 2022-2023 to the Sydney Host Lions Club. Additionally, Lion President Alan Chan JP and PDG Brian Daniels JP received the prestigious Lions Club International MD201 Council Chairperson Medal for his exceptional leadership and contributions to the Australian community.
The Certificate of Appreciation for the most outstanding Club Member was awarded to the Director of Service, Lion Claudia Ng. All Sydney Host Lions Club members have received a trophy from the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation to denote their outstanding service in the Bunnings BBQ Fundraising functions.
Special guest Mr. Mark Coure MP also presented a Certificate of Congratulations to the Sydney Host Lions Club in recognition of their outstanding service and contribution to the Australian community over the past 71 years, highlighting the significant acknowledgment from the NSW government.
The evening concluded with a delicious meal and the presentation of a beautiful 72nd Charter Anniversary cake. Guests enjoyed the evening filled with good food, excellent entertainment, and fellowship, and are eagerly looking forward to the continued achievements of the Sydney Host Lions Club in the coming year.
Special thanks go to Lion Kim Ng and Lion Claudia Ng of the Sydney Host Lions Club organizing committee; Lion photographer Davy Lee, the Changeover Dinner event would not have been so successful without their dedication and careful planning.